Some & Every Method in JavaScript.

Some & Every Method in JavaScript.

Some & Every is a type of method that returns a Boolean value and allows to work on an Array.

Some respond to one or more properties of an Array while the Every responds to all properties of an Array.


const students = [
        name: "Victor",
        class: 5,
        subjects: ["Math", "English", "Science"],
        pass: true
        name: "Segun",
        class: 9,
        subjects: ["Chemistry", "Math", "Computer Studies"],
        pass: false
        name: "Faith",
        class: 3,
        subjects: ["Social Studies", "Medicine", "CRK"],
        pass: true
        name: "Tracy",
        class: 5,
        subjects: ["Biology", "Agriculture", "Literature"],
        pass: false


// We have defined an array above

const subjectTaken = function(){
    return students.every(eStudents => eStudents.subjects);

subjectTaken(); //Output would return "true" because every students took a subject.

const subjectTaken2 = function(){
    return students.some(eStudents => eStudents.subjects);

subjectTaken2(); //Output would return "true" because some students took a subject.

// If we however defined the function with an additional condition like the following (using implicit return with arrow function);

const passed = () => students.some(students => students.pass === true);

// Output: true

const passed2 = () => students.every(students => students.pass === true);

// Output: false Because not every student actually passed.

I hope this input helps clarify the topic for those learning JavaScript methods and needs a clearer explanation.